
Amy Lamb

Amy is the Secretary of Few for Change, maintaining meeting minutes and overseeing external communications including the quarterly newsletter and the social media team. Amy is the data manager for the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau (NHNHB), where she maintains the statewide database of rare plant, wildlife, and exemplary natural community records and occasionally enjoys doing field work to document NH’s biodiversity.  Previously at NHNHB, she reviewed projects and coordinated avoidance and mitigation measures for impacts to rare plants and natural communities. She has also worked in sustainable forestry and environmental permitting for transportation projects.

Amy joined the board in 2009, after spending her spring semester in Panama. At the end of the term, she conducted her Independent Study Project in the Comarca Ngäbe-Buglé. During her stay, she was impressed by the Ngäbe people’s sense of family, their willingness to include strange foreigners in the intimacies of their daily lives, and their celebration of culture and environment. Their sense of community was memorable, and it is refreshed with each round of application essays. The scholars of Few for Change are big dreamers and hard workers, yet are grounded by their solidarity.  It’s a great feeling to help them realize their futures, for themselves and for their Comarca.

A year after returning from Panama, Amy graduated with the University of New Hampshire Class of 2010, earning a BS in Environmental Science.