Celebrate #GivingTuesday with Alternative Giving

As consumer culture pushes another season of holiday shopping with ‘unbeatable’ deals for Black Friday, here at Few for Change we have a gift suggestion for that special person on your list who has it all. Honor your family and friends by making a donation in their name to support one of Few for Change’s inspiring scholars in Panama. This gift of education will endure throughout the year and enable our exceptional scholarship students to continue attending school and secure a poverty-free future.

By making a donation towards transportation, food, school supplies, uniform, or books on your gift recipient’s behalf, your gift will make an enduring impact on a student’s life by allowing them to continue with their education. This idea of paying it forward was popularized by Benjamin Franklin in a letter To Benjamin Webb in 1784 in which he wrote it is a “trick...for doing a deal of good with a little money.” You can direct your Alternative Giving donation to a Few for Change student of your choice through our partner organization, The School Fund. For step-by-step instructions on how to donate to a student through The School Fund click here. Once you've completed your donation, send us an email at fewforchange[at]gmail.com so we can confirm your donation and send you an Honor Card for your gift recipient(s).

Through Alternative Giving, you are empowering students through ensuring their continued access to education and giving a gift that has a symbolic value to your recipient(s) as well. Please consider Alternative Giving this holiday season!

All donations are tax deductible.