Wednesday is Match Day!

It’s almost July – and here in the US, the school year has already drawn to a close. However, the twelve Few for Change Scholars are still in the thick of it, having just begun their second trimester in Panama. In 2013 we have bold new goals to grow our support for these tenacious young people, and we are thrilled to announce a new way for you to double the effectiveness of your support – Match Day!  On Wednesday, June 26th (that's tomorrow!): for every dollar you donate to Few for Change between 12:00 p.m. EST and 11:59 p.m. EST, our partner organization The School Fund will donate an additional 50 cents. But that’s not all -- A few of our generous donors have also agreed to meet that match and kick in an additional $.50*. This means that for every dollar you donate, two dollars will go directly to these high achieving middle and high school students who would not otherwise be able to continue their studies.

Donations go to support bright, hard-working indigenous Ngäbe-Buglé students who are among the future leaders of their communities.  We thought we’d break down the numbers to help explain where our funds go, in case you need something to aim for.

We’re thrilled about the potential of Match Day - special thanks to The School Fund for helping make this happen. These students are future doctors, teachers, lawyers, and engaged citizens. By empowering them now, you offer them tools to reach their full potential and begin to break the cycle of poverty. As you likely know - since you’re reading our blog, after all - education is power, and a powerful gift; please consider giving generously on June 26th. Click here to donate!

*up to $300.

Thank you for all of your support!

The Few for Change team

When you make a gift:

  • $12 funds tuition for a full year of school
  • $50 provides food
  • $86 covers school supplies
  • $100 will provide food and boarding fees
  • $102 will buy a uniform
  • $150 will fund food, boarding and transportation