Back in May we announced via our Facebook page (like us!) the beginning of an exciting partnership between Few for Change and The School Fund. Now that we've been working with them for a few months, we've decided to tell you a little bit more about the organization here on our blog. Their innovative approach to person-to-person fundraising will allow Few for Change to reach more donors and more students and is a great example of do-it-yourself (DIY) philanthropy done right.
About the School Fund
Few for Change + The School Fund = Awesome!
We at Few for Change are especially excited about our partnership with the School Fund because it provides our current supporters with an even more transparent and interactive connection with our scholars, while also expanding our reach through the School Fund's broad network of partners and supporters. Our donors can now choose to sponsor a student directly through our page the School Fund site, or the give to our general fund, helping expand our scholarship fund and add new students to our program. To check out our page on the School Fund's website or sponsor a student visit